
Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Learn Apparel Merchandising Learn Fashion design.
Job List of a Merchandiser


  1. Once an order is placed the merchandise manager should fill out a PO checklist.
  2. All missing information with regards to the PO will be forwarded to the customer within 1 day of receiving the PO.
  3. A complete PO package must be prepared and sent to the factory within 24 hours of receipt of order from customer with a copy of P.O. to Commercial Department.
  4. Prepare a projected production plan & forward the same to the Head of Quality Control & to the related supplier. The schedule should comprise of expected dates for fabric Quality Check, ILC, IPC, MPC & FRI.
  5. Prepare a projected sample plan & forward the same to the related supplier with a copy to the Head of department.


        A new PO package for the factory must include the following:

  • Original PO sheet.
  • Spec. Sketch and workman sheet.
  • Color print artwork, lab dip, original fabric swatch and original trim card.
  • Original sample (If available)

Within 1 day of receipt of a new order the merchandise manager must call for a pre-production internal meeting. The following people must attend this meeting:

  1. Head of Operation.
  2. Merchandise Manager.
  3. Acct. Related Merchandiser.
  4. Head of QA Dept.
  5. QA Personal.
  6. Internal QA Personal.

At the meeting the merchandiser will issue all information with regards to the order. This information includes:

  1. PO sheet copy.
  2. Spec sheet with all related information.
  3. Lab dip card, print artwork, trims card, etc.
  4. Original fabric swatch (If available)
  5. Proto sample.

TO BE CONTINUE................ 

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